
更多 Recent Sold in Morphett Vale

AddressSold DatePrice
22/60 Booth Avenue, Morphett Vale SA2024年7月$415,000
5 Causby Avenue, Morphett Vale SA2024年7月$617,000
1 Erebus Circuit, Morphett Vale SA2024年7月$770,500
18 Diana Crescent, Morphett Vale SA2024年7月$591,000
214 O'Sullivan Beach Road, Morphett Vale SA2024年7月$785,000

更多 Recent Rent in Morphett Vale

Schools in Morphett Vale

Demographics of Morphett Vale

PopulationSizeMorphett ValeAdelaide
All People340951072882
Country of OriginMorphett ValeAdelaide
Australian Born78%72%
Born Overseas - Top 5Morphett ValeAdelaide
United Kingdom13%9%
New Zealand1%1%
Median household incomeMorphett ValeAdelaide
Weekly income$1,015$1,388
Age StatisticsMorphett ValeAdelaide
20 to 3930%30%
40 to 5927%29%
5 to 1924%14%
0 to 47%6%
Family Statistics - Top 5Morphett ValeAdelaide
Never Married30%31%
Religion - Top 5Morphett ValeAdelaide
No Religion29%23%
Uniting Church11%11%
Other Christian3%3%
Occupation - Top 5Morphett ValeAdelaide
Intermediate Clerical/Sales/Service8%7%
Tradespersons and Related Workers7%5%
Labourers and Related Workers5%4%
Intermediate Production and Transport5%4%
Associate Professional4%5%
Education - Top 5Morphett ValeAdelaide
Not Attending (Working)73%74%
Secondary Education7%6%
Technical or Further Education3%3%
University or other Tertiary Institution2%4%
Transport to Work - Top 5Morphett ValeAdelaide
Car (driver)28%27%
Car (passenger)3%3%
Bus Only2%2%
Worked at home1%1%
Type of Dwelling - Top 3Morphett ValeAdelaide
Separate house85%74%
Nature of Occupancy - Top 3Morphett ValeAdelaide
Fully Owned29%39%
Monthly Loan Repayment - Top 5Morphett ValeAdelaide

Supply Demand History in Morphett Vale

2015 Apr1446827
2015 May1486412
2015 Jun1605959
2015 Jul1655701
2015 Aug1616224
2015 Sep1585622
2015 Oct1665594
2015 Nov1795135
2015 Dec1603718
2016 Jan1606372
2016 Feb1716300
2016 Mar1665162
2016 Apr1516308

Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

地图 街景


Morphett Vale, SA 5162


Closest Train Station

Coorara Railway Station 0.61 km

Selected Demographics of Morphett Vale

  • 9554 Number of House
  • 2205 Number of Unit
  • 34095 Number of People
  • 39 Median Age
  • 2.3 Median Household Size
  • $230 Weekly Rent
  • $494 Weekly Individual Income
  • $1,128 Weekly Family Income
  • $913 Weekly Household Income
  • $480,000 Median Asking Price
  • $420 Median Rent
  • 0.05% Rent Yield
  • 428 Stock On Sale
  • 0.37% Vacancy Rate
  • 161 Average Supply
  • 5544 Average Demand
  • 34.51 Supply Demand Ratio


Magain Real Estate - - 12%

Century 21 - Southern (RLA 155659) 9%
HARCOURTS - Morphett Vale / Christies Beach (RLA 1556) 7%
Raine & Horne - Morphett Vale / Christies Beach / Reynella / Woodcroft/Brighton/Hallett Cove 6%
Elders Real Estate - Morphett Vale (RLA 184226) 4%
Ray White - Morphett Vale (RLA262999) 4%
Century 21 - MF Paterson (RLA 774) 3%
Elders Real Estate (RLA 121653) - Aberfoyle / Flagstaff 3%
Timms Real Estate -Christies Beach 3%
Phil McMahon Real Estate - Morphett Vale (RLA 60113) 2%

Leading Agents (Rent)

Agent NamePercentage
Century 21 - Southern (RLA 155659)15%
Unity Housing - Adelaide RLA 2463719%
Phil McMahon Real Estate - Morphett Vale (RLA 60113)8%
Elders Real Estate - Morphett Vale (RLA 184226)7%
Harcourts - Christies Beach (RLA 1556)5%
Raine & Horne - Morphett Vale / Christies Beach / Reynella / Woodcroft/Brighton/Hallett Cove5%
LJ Hooker - Christies Beach3%
Taplin Real Estate3%
Lin Andrews Real Estate - Mile End2%
Century 21 - MF Paterson (RLA 774)2%