
  • 地址 价格 结果*
    13B Cedar Cr $1,158,000 S 3
  • 地址 价格 结果*
    4 Jacaranda Blvd $1,802,000 S 4
  • 地址 价格 结果*
    5 Cator St N/A W 3
  • 地址 价格 结果*
    49 Allinga Av $1,740,000 S 4
    7 Cator St $1,810,000 S 3
    1 Cator St $1,600,000 S 3
  • 地址 价格 结果*
    14 L'estrange St N/A PI 3
    5 Cranwell St $1,701,000 S 2
    9 Broughton St $2,445,000 S 5
  • 地址 价格 结果*
    29 Windsor Rd $1,150,000 S 3
Some properties are not in the list because of insufficient data
*Result Key:
S - property sold;
SP - property sold prior;
SA - sold after auction;
SB - sold before auction;
SN - sold not disclosed;
SS - sold after auction price not disclosed.
PN - sold prior not disclosed;
Private - private sale
PI - property passed in;
NB - no bid;
VB - vendor bid;
W - withdrawn prior to auction;
N/A - price or highest bid not available.

地图 街景


Glenside, SA 5065
