
67 Quirk Street, Dee Why NSW
  • house 5 3 2

67 Quirk Street, Dee Why NSW 2099

售价:$3,700,000 on 2021年5月8日

Stamp Duty


*based on property value $3,700,000 for investment

Mortgage registration fee $105
Transfer fee $209
Stamp duty on property $199,490


$ 15,890

*基于贷款额$2,960,000 支付本金和利息

总利息 $2,760,371
按揭年期 30 年
年利率 5.00%

地图 街景



地址 售价
4 Heron Place 5 $3,200,000
28 Redman Road 5 $3,000,000
6 Tulich Avenue 5 $3,950,000
165 Victor Road 5 $2,200,000
79 Cassia Street 5 $4,775,000
1 Patey Street 5 $3,520,000
12 The Strand 5 $11,500,000
15 Arthur Street 5 $2,380,000


地址 租金
12 The Strand 5 $2,200 p/w
4/23 The Strand 5 $6,000 p/w
17 Monash Parade 5 $2,600 p/w
26 Arthur Street 5 $1,950 p/w
8a Painters Parade 5 $1,295 p/w
69 Cassia Street 5 $1,900 p/w
7 Heron Place 5 $1,290 p/w
17 Monash Parade 5 $3,100 p/w

Top Sales - House- Last 12 months updated 2024年5月31日

Address Sold Price
12 The Strand Dee Why 2099 $11,500,000 5 3
54 Monash Parade Dee Why 2099 $6,500,000 3 2
86 Quirk Street Dee Why 2099 $6,500,000 6 5
46 Monash Parade Dee Why 2099 $4,800,000 3 2
79 Cassia Street Dee Why 2099 $4,775,000 5 3
21 Carew Street Dee Why 2099 $4,750,000 5 3
14 High Street Dee Why 2099 $4,650,000 3 2
83 Cassia Street Dee Why 2099 $4,330,000 4 3
79 Quirk Street Dee Why 2099 $4,025,000 3 1
5 Tasman Street Dee Why 2099 $4,020,000 5 3

最近拍卖结果 - Dee Why, NSW 2099


Dee Why, NSW 2099

