
更多 Recent Sold in Pacific Palms

AddressSold DatePrice
12 Windsor Street, Pacific Palms NSW2017年6月$485,000
111 Tarbuck Park Rd, Pacific Palms NSW2017年5月$1,450,000
322 Hubbards Nth Rd, Pacific Palms NSW2017年5月$485,000
6 Palm Close, Pacific Palms NSW2016年6月$545,000
198 CHARLOTTE BAY St, Pacific Palms NSW2015年12月$285,000

更多 Recent Rent in Pacific Palms

Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data

地图 街景


Pacific Palms, NSW 2428

Selected Demographics of Pacific Palms

  • - Number of House
  • - Number of Unit
  • - Number of People
  • - Median Age
  • - Median Household Size
  • $0 Weekly Rent
  • $0 Weekly Individual Income
  • $0 Weekly Family Income
  • $0 Weekly Household Income


Forster Pacific Real Estate - Pacific Palms 47%

Pacific Palms Real Estate - Pacific Palms 43%
Pacific Palms Signature Properties - Pacific Palms 4%
LJ Hooker - Forster 3%
Minus The Agent - CALOUNDRA WEST 1%
Forster Tuncurry Professionals - Forster 1%